Health for Busy People!

Is it possible to be busy and healthy?

When you are pushed for time it can be hard to even think about, let alone action, a healthy lifestyle.

How much is your health costing your business?How much is your health costing you?

What you need is a few simple, easy to apply solutions, that will make an impact but require very little effort to implement.

Here are 5 things you can do that will help to:

  • Keep your energy levels up
  • Keep your mind focused
  • Keep you in control of your mood
  1. Eat something for breakfast: some quick breakfast choices are… a Carmen’s muesli bar, an apple and a handful of nuts, a bowl of muesli, a bowl of instant oats, A vegetable juice (a good combination is apple, beetroot, carrot, celery and ginger), a banana and a some almonds, fruit salad and yoghurt, whole grain seeded toast/pumperknickle or rye toast with avocado, peanut butter,  hummus, sliced tomato, a boiled egg or some veggie mite.  A good breakfast gives your brain, red blood cells and nerves the energy they need to get fired up and function for the day.  If you don’t have breakfast your body will break down your MUSCLE to fuel itself, a sure way to make you feel tired and low on energy.
  2. Keep healthy snacks like nuts and fresh fruit or trailmix, veggie sticks or sesame ryevita and hummus  handy to snack on during the day. Eating regularly through the day (small amounts 3-5 times) helps to keep your blood sugar levels stable, which keeps your energy levels and your mood stable… it’s that simple! The fresher the food, the more energy available in it.
  3. Keep well hydrated. Drink lots of water and keep the caffeine intake low.  A dehydrated brain feels foggy, dizzy and dirty.  Keep it feeling fresh and clear with lots of hydrating fluids, water, herbal teas, vegetable juices (aim for at least 3 glasses of water and 3 cups of some other caffeine free, 100 % natural beverage like 2 herbal teas and a vegetable juice) .
  4. Move your body in a way that feels good.  Keep the energy flowing into and out of your body, think of your body as a body of water, you want to stir it up every now and again, keep the stream flowing and circulating, airing it, energising it so that it doesn’t stagnate. Do you want a crystal flowing stream, bubbling brook or a stagnant smelly swamp.  Move in ways that you love e.g. walk, sFind time to play!kip, dance, body surf in the ocean, ride your bicycle, do the funky chicken with your kids, hike, swim… Start by getting physical in ways that feel invigorating and are filled with pleasure, don’t start with exercises that feel like torture and punishment. Move everyday! Do it with someone if it helps. The payoff from the commitment is MASSIVE. Commit to it, then do it, you will be SO glad you did after you have. Make time to play!
  5. Live on purpose… live and act with deliberate intention, pride and love. Love what you are creating and contributing to and acting on everyday. Find ways to reflect positively and shed light on all your daily activities. The things that you are finding difficult to do or procrastinating about might be out of line with your value systems, your beliefs, your purpose… this will cause incongruency in your life, which can manifest as pain, fatigue, frustration, disease. Find little ways to be grateful for what you are doing, find pleasure in all you do and do what you love.


Nurture yourself when you need comfort

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