Pain relief….doesn’t relieve pain

Your average Aussie is in pain.

What kind?

Emotional pain.

When we don’t have enough time, money, influence, peace, health, success, intimacy, happiness, appreciation, gratitude or whatever it is we are chasing – we notice that it’s missing and feel emotional pain.

That causes us to buy pain relief, which of course, comes in many flavours. It might be car themed, travel based, workaholic-ed, shopaholic, eataholic or any one of a thousand versions. One thing this pain relief will never do is relieve the pain, it only suppresses it for awhile.

Another method of pain relief is to actually allow ourselves to feel the pain.  I mean really feel it in the body.  Consciously bring attention to the feeling. Where is it?  What does it look like? What colour, texture, shape, sound etc. Recognise it, feel it and accept it!  As Paul would say, “The healing is in the expression of the feeling”. This has a reprogramming effect on the subconscious. The emotions stuffed down in the subconscious get validated ….consequently, with being heard, they can let go their controlling grip on our behaviour. When in pain, we need to be heard. Hear you subconscious pain, give it a voice, feel it and validate.

Give this reprogramming a go next time you are reaching for pain relief that your conscious mind knows is no good for you.

emotions with autumn

What do you think?